PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization which promotes sustainably managed forests through independent third-party certification. PEFC is a global umbrella organization for the assessment of and mutual recognition of over 30 independent national forest certification systems. PEFC is supported by a wide variety of different stakeholders, which include environmental organizations, trade unions, timber traders, governments as well as producers & retailers of paper and timber products.
There are 2 types of certification offered by PEFC:
1. Sustainable Forest Management Certification:
Providing independent recognition of responsible forest management.
2. Chain of Custody Certification:
Ensure that the wood and wood-based products originate from sustainably managed forests and non-controversial sources.
How PEFC helps protect the environment?
- It helps promote the responsible sourcing of wood, and ensure the consumption of wood does not exceed the growth of it.
- It helps combat illegal logging.
- It helps promote the environmentally appropriate, economically viable and socially beneficial management of forests.
Why do I choose PEFC certification?
1. Secure and increase your access to markets demanding eco-friendly products
2. Gain a market advantage compared to companies without certified products.
3. Enhance your brand values by getting access to the trademarked PEFC logo for both on- and off-product communications.
By 2017, there are 21 enterprises receiving the PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) certifications in APP China, who manufactures and sells the largest volume of PEFC-CoC certified products among the pulp and paper industry. Besides, many paper companies and printers in Hong Kong and Southern China have also attained PEFC-CoC certifications.

China Forest Certification Council (CFCC) is the highest management institution in China's forest certification system. China's forest resources play a pivotal role in global economic, ecological and socially sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, and curbing the deterioration of the global environment. In the 1990s, China began the forest certification research and exploration, and actively developed China's forest certification system. In 2001, the development of the national forest certification system started. In 2010, China Forest Certification Scheme was completed and began to run.
PEFC represents best practice in forest management at a global level, and is unique in considering the needs of the specific forest ecosystems of a particular country, the legal and administrative frameworks, and the socio-cultural context. The endorsement of the China Forest Certification Scheme by PEFC, the world’s leading forest certification system, has brought favourable impact to China’s sustainable forestry for global markets. It signified the global recognition of China’s forest certification system, as well as a great leap on its journey towards internationalisation of forest management.
China is not only the world’s largest manufacturer of forest products, but also among the five countries with the largest forest area in the world. The endorsement of the China Forest Certification Scheme by PEFC has brought considerable increase in certified forest areas, and provided more options of certified forest products for global enterprises. This helps elevate the standard of forest management and promote sustainability in China. In addition, the PEFC-CoC certification is able to offer advantages for businesses to open up international markets, and increase their competitiveness in a global setting.
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