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APP Statement on current engagement towards compliance with FSC policies

APP regards the FSC certification system as one of the world's most credible standards for responsible forest management. We are therefore encouraged to hear that the board of directors has welcomed our Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) and is interested in understanding how the policy's objectives will be achieved. We hope that their interest will ultimately lead to an agreement to consider a formal re-association with APP. 

The introduction of our FCP on February 5th, initiated a large scale transformation of APP's forestry and pulpwood operations. All natural forest clearance was halted pending a series of assessments to determine which parts of our suppliers' concessions have forest with High Carbon Stock and which are of High Conservation Value, all of which will be protected. We have also committed to adhere to the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) as part of the way we address social issues. 

We fully agree that independent verification of implementation of the policy will provide an extra layer of reassurance. In addition, we have initiated a number of other transparency measures, including an online monitoring dashboard to report progress on implementation of our FCP. 

We will fully support the FSC in any way necessary in its decision making towards considering any formal re-association process.